Bathroom Fixtures

Whether or not you are remodeling your bathroom, a simple way to give your bathroom a quick facelift is to replace the fixtures. Even if you don’t replace your tub, bathroom fixtures such as new faucets and new sink can do wonders for a tired bathroom.

Generally speaking, when replacing bathroom fixtures it is best to go with a well-known brand, as it is easier to get replacement parts and service should a problem arise. Another good rule of thumb is to buy the best quality you can afford. Spending a little more now will reap rewards in the future. Buy cheap bathroom fixtures and you are almost certain to be frustrated in just a few short years.

If space is of a premium, a pedestal sink will give the room more space and a sense of elegance. A three-sided shower stall is another space-saving choice, or a built-in tub-shower combination.

Standalone sink with modern style, the faucet and fixtures are part of a bathroom renovation project completed by Renovation Experts home improvement contractors.If you have the room and are looking for luxury, a stand-alone bathtub will look great, and create a wonderful, relaxing retreat as well. Although with so many models available it’s important to be sure to take the time to choose well. Go to showrooms and actually get in the tub to see how it feels. If you feel silly just consider this: waiting until it’s installed in your bathroom to get in and find out it’s not all that comfortable will feel a lot worse.

One of the toughest choices homeowners face when replacing bathroom fixtures is deciding whether or not they should do the work themselves or hire a contractor. If you have the skills to do the job then there are obvious advantages to tackling the project yourself. You save money and have the satisfaction of doing the work. If, however, you haven’t done much in the way of bathroom remodeling before, you will likely find that hiring an experienced contractor is money well spent as a good contractor will be able to suggest options that you may not have considered on your own – making for a superior end result.

When replacing fixtures — even if it is just the faucets and cabinet hardware — give some thought to lighting as well. Matching the tub and sink faucets with light fixtures is an easy way to add a more design-conscious, contemporary look to the space. Next to chrome, brushed nickel is a top finish choice for homeowners.

Bathroom outfitted with contemporary look from a recent renovation project fulfilled by Renovation Experts contractor matching service.Although there is a wide range of colors available, white is generally the best option for bathroom fixtures as it will be able to stand the test of time better than this season’s top color. With all the new innovative products on the market you’re sure to find that white is anything but boring